Now Offering


Know Your Parenting Personality Workshops

  • Establish strong connections with your child
  • Change self-defeating behavior patterns
  • Deepen communication with your child
  • Reduce stress
  • Gain new self-awareness
  • Identify your gifts, enhance relationships
  • Become a facilitator, help support the flowering of your child’s personality

“Janet Levine brings her wealth of experience with children and parents to this groundbreaking work applying the Enneagram to parenting styles. She provides straightforward practical advice and specific practices for parents that are type specific. If you follow even a portion of her recommendations, it will enrich your relationship with your children and foster health promoting benefits.” David Daniels, M.D. Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford Medical School

Workshop Information:

  • Length: Half-day, or one-day workshops.
  • Format: Sessions include parenting personality analysis, discussion, and Q & A. Time for self-reflection, sharing, and intensive discussion in small groups. Panels of speakers share their parenting experiences in type specific interviews.
  • Outcomes: Participants come away with practical guidance on understanding their parenting personality with immediate applicability in their lives and interactions with their children.
  • Track Record: Janet has over 12 years experience working with this material, and is the author of 2 books on the system. She is founder and director of the National Educators Institute at Milton Academy, and a Professional Association of Enneagram Teachers. Janet has presented her work internationally at conferences, workshops and seminars. The workshops/presentations are based on Janet Levine’s video clips (see home page) and her book Know Your Parenting Personality (published by John Wiley & Sons).

For more information, please call Janet Levine at 617-312-9038 for more information, or e-mail her at

Teaching Workshops:


A Professional Day with Your Faculty

  • Connect with every student, inside and outside the classroom
  • Sharpen communication
  • Identify your teaching qualities. Relate that knowledge into enhanced classroom performance
  • Improve interpersonal skills
  • Choose positive change. Find a comfort level with stress, and how to avoid burnout
  • Change self-defeating behavior patterns — your own and your students
  • Become a facilitator, allow students to do their work
  • Target strategies for even more effective teaching
  • Give yourself the gift of innovation and renewal — refine/realign your passion for teaching

Rekindle Enthusiasm, Commitment, Confidence

“…convincing classroom strategies to understand better and be better understood…”

—David Mallery, Director of Professional Development, NAIS

Workshop Information:
Length: Half, one, or two day workshops.

Format: Sessions include personality analysis, specially created video clips to demonstrate teaching and learning styles, discussion, and Q&A. Time for self-reflection, sharing, and intensive discussion in small groups.

Participants come away with practical guidance on understanding personality with immediate applicability in the classroom, and other areas of their professional lives.

Track Record: Milton Academy program for professional development. Day long workshops held at  Deerfield Academy, Forsyth School, Vanderbilt University, Helsinki University, and many other school and colleges. Cosponsors are the GSI Center at UC Berkeley and the Graduate School at Loyola University in Chicago. Publication by Mcgraw Hill of Enneagram Educator’s book by Janet Levine: The Enneagram Intelligences Understanding Personality for Effective Teaching and Learning, a practical guide covering every teaching and learning style. Presentations at NAIS and affiliate organizations, ERB and AAHE Conferences, and Lilly Conferences on Excellence in College Teaching.

David Mallery, Director of Professional Development, NAIS; Sarah Donnelly at AIMS, Maryland; Geoffrey Butler at ISASW, Texas; Marcia Millar, ISACS, Illinois. See the web site page for many more references.


Workshop Descriptions

One Day Format

Transforming Teaching Workshops:


  • Why is it you always fail to connect with some students in your classes?
  • Why in stressful situations such as being challenged about a grade do you find you are defensive and reactive?
  • You know people learn differently, how can you accommodate the different learning styles?
  • Your colleagues have different teaching styles, how does this impact learning?
  • Why do you get along well with some bosses, and are uncomfortable with others?

These questions and others asked by participants will be answered through personality analysis that offers many practical applications in the context of education. Participants share experiences and insights about their own teaching in a provocative, new paradigm.

Our one day workshop usually runs for about six hours — 9.00-12.00 p.m. — 1.00-4.00 p.m. — that sort of time frame. The workshop begins by participants taking the Triads Personality Indicator (TPI) which allows them to begin thinking about their personality according to the model we use. An explanation of the basis of the TPI follows. We watch an hour long specially created video, Nine Styles of Teaching in which nine educators discuss their teaching styles. There is time for self-reflection, Q&A, general discussion, intensive small group discussion on applications and implications of this new information for our classrooms. If there are three or four volunteers, we run one or two short panels (20-30 minutes).

In the concluding session, participants are presented with practical guidance on how to use this information in their professional lives. The one-day workshop is developed from the five day intensive National Educators Institute held annually at Milton Academy and offers the equivalent of six hours PDP points. Participants come away with identifying their teaching qualities and relating that knowledge into enhanced classroom performance. They find ways to deal with stress, and burn out. They learn how to target strategies for more effective teaching. Perhaps most importantly they are given the gift of innovation and renewal, a way to rekindle their enthusiasm, commitment, and confidence. This is solid, practical information for the classroom: one-on-one interactions, group dynamics, communication and presentation skills,so on.

We encourage you to make available copies of the book by workshop leader Janet Levine, The Enneagram Intelligences (original edition, Greenwood Publishing Group.) The book covers in depth the material introduced in the workshop. It is an effective practical guide. The fee for the workshop is $1,500 (includes materials) plus expenses (airfare and accommodation).

Three Hour Format

Transforming Teaching Workshops:


  • Why is it you always fail to connect with some students in your classes?
  • Why in stressful situations such as being challenged about a grade do you find you are defensive and reactive?
  • You know people learn differently, how can you accommodate the different learning styles?
  • Your colleagues have different teaching styles, how does this impact learning?
  • Why do you get along well with some bosses, and are uncomfortable with others?

These questions and others asked by participants will be answered through personality analysis that offers many practical applications in the context of education. Participants share experiences and insights about their own teaching in a provocative, new paradigm.

Our three hour workshop begins by participants taking the Triads Personality Indicator (TPI) which allows them to start thinking about their personality according to the model we use. An explanation of the basis of the TPI follows. We watch an hour long specially created video, Nine Styles of Teaching in which nine educators discuss their teaching styles. There is time for some self-reflection, Q&A, general discussion, some group discussion on applications and implications of this information for our classrooms.

The three hour workshop is developed from the five day intensive National Educators Institute held annually at Milton Academy and offers the equivalent of three hours PDP points. Participants come away with identifying their teaching qualities and relating that knowledge into enhanced classroom performance. They find ways to deal with stress, and burn out. They learn how to target strategies for more effective teaching. Perhaps most importantly they are given the gift of innovation and renewal, a way to rekindle their enthusiasm, commitment, and confidence. This is solid, practical information for the classroom: one-on-one interactions, group dynamics, communication and presentation skills, so on. The fee for the presentation is $1250 (including materials) plus expenses (airfare and accommodation).

We encourage you to make available copies of the book by workshop leader Janet Levine, The Enneagram Intelligences (original publisher, Greenwood Publishing Group). The book is a practical guide, and covers in-depth the material presented in the workshop.

Two-Day (and other) Formats

Transforming Teaching Workshops:



  • Why is it you always fail to connect with some students in your classes?
  • Why in stressful situations such as being challenged about a grade do you find you are
    defensive and reactive?
  • You know people learn differently, how can you accommodate the different learning styles?
  • Your colleagues have different teaching styles, how does this impact learning?
  • Why do you get along well with some bosses, and are uncomfortable with others?

These questions and others asked by participants will be answered through personality analysis that offers many practical applications in the context of education. Participants share experiences and insights about their own teaching in a provocative, new paradigm.

Our two day workshop usually runs for about six hours — 9.00 a.m. -12.00 p.m. — 1.00-4.00 p.m. — that sort of time frame each day. The workshop begins by participants taking the Triads Personality Indicator (TPI) which allows them to begin thinking about their personality according to the model we use. An explanation of the basis of the TPI follows. We watch an hour long specially created video, Nine Styles of Teaching in which nine educators discuss their teaching styles. There is time for self-reflection, Q&A, general discussion, intensive small group discussion on applications and implications of this new information for our classrooms. If there are three or four volunteers, we run one or two short panels (20-30 minutes).

The second day comprises the introduction of learning styles introduced through our hour long video Nine Perspectives on What Motivates Learning in which nine sixteen year-olds discuss how they learn. There are self-reflection exercises, small group discussion on applications and implications of what we have been introduced to for our classrooms. In the concluding session, participants are presented with practical guidance on how to use this information in their professional lives. The two-day workshop is developed from the five day intensive National Educators Institute held annually at Milton Academy and offers the equivalent of twelve hours PDP points. Participants come away with identifying their teaching qualities and relating that knowledge into enhanced classroom performance. They find ways to deal with stress, and burn out. They learn how to target strategies for more effective teaching. Perhaps most importantly they are given the gift of innovation and renewal, a way to rekindle their enthusiasm, commitment, and confidence. This is solid, practical information for the classroom: one-on-one interactions, group dynamics, communication and presentation skills, so on.

We encourage you to make available copies of the book by workshop leader Janet Levine, The Enneagram Intelligences (Greenwood Publishing Group.) The book is a practical guide, and covers in depth the material presented in the workshop. The fee for the workshop is $1,500 per day ($3,000), plus expenses (airfare and accommodation).

Additional options are available for one, or two, hour presentations.

Janet Levine - Sharing Expertise to Enrich Your Life.

Copyright © Janet Levine, All Rights Reserved, 2022

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