Now that you have taken the student inventory on and know your triad, in this blog on Generation E and the E-model, I am going to introduce you to the three personality types in the Defender triad and briefly describe how they may act and interact as students at school. If you are a friend of one of these E-types how can you help them?

“The Protector” (Point Eight) is confidant, powerful, a take-charge leader, honest, direct, and protective of “turf.” Eights focus on power and control. Protectors hate being dependent and avoid vulnerability. They can live “go-for-broke” excessive life-styles. Issues of justice and fairness are important to Protectors.
Working with Themselves: Point Eight students have charge-ahead energy. Control and power are important: My way or the highway is often their stance. Protectors do not shy away from confrontation, in fact they may prod and poke at both teachers and peers. Protectors trust those who stand up to them. They want more energy, more heated exchanges of ideas, and a larger-than-life atmosphere in the classroom.
Friends Can Help Eights: Give Protectors feedback as to the impact of their anger. Stand up to Point Eight friends; otherwise you’ll be dismissed as a wimp. Protectors need reminding that confrontation is scary to most people, so it helps them to learn to count to ten before moving to confrontation. Be direct and transparent in your dealings with Protectors as ambiguity makes them suspicious. Don’t let them bully you, or your peers, and appeal to their sense of justice, they will always champion the underdog.

“The Peacekeeper” (Point Nine) is compassionate, energetic on behalf of others, non-competitive, patient, and sees all sides of an issue. They are excellent mediators. Point Nine avoids conflict. Peacekeepers are reluctant self-starters, and procrastinators. They find difficulty in establishing priorities, and making decisions. Point Nine may ignore their own needs through resignation, inertia, passive aggressive obstinacy, zoning out with TV.
Working with Themselves: Point Nine students avoid conflict because it is disruptive and unsettling. Peacekeepers like to create an atmosphere of equanimity where everyone co-operates. Peacekeepers have trouble keeping to their own agenda. Point Nine students find it hard to prioritize tasks, and meet deadlines. Reluctant self-starters, Peacekeepers rely on the energy and expectations of their teachers, and their connection to the material, to motivate them. They need the reality of disciplinary consequences if they are to meet their commitments.
Friends Can Help Peacekeepers: Give Point Nine unconditional support. They believe in themselves when others believe in them. It is essential to provide frequent feedback to your Peacekeeper friend. When working in groups, remind Peacekeepers of their personal needs and rights, they lose sight of these easily. Point Nine absorbs information in an opaque way and sees broad outlines as a unity; they need help structuring the pieces of the landscape. Be a “study-buddy”, and help them formulate short-term objectives, and to manage their time. Check in with them to make sure they are on track with assignments. When in groups, help Peacekeepers learn that saying “No, I disagree” does not necessarily lead to conflict.

“The Moralizer” (Point One) is conscientious and moral, honest and idealistic. Moralizers focus on doing the right thing, and avoiding error. This can lead to procrastination and a lack of spontaneity.
Working with Themselves: Moralizers are perfectionists. Their drive to will themselves to learn is imbued with a sense of moral righteousness. Moralizer One students need to be aware of their motivation, especially when they judge themselves as not achieving to their inner standards. Is reaching perfection a requirement for themselves to satisfy their inner critic, or their teacher? Point One students need to relinquish feeling responsible for every detail of their preparation and class work, to avoid criticizing and double-checking their every effort.
Friends Can Help Moralizers: Encourage Moralizers neither to be so hard on themselves, nor so judgmental of others. Remind them to forgo the 110% effort; 100% is good enough. Help them develop self-esteem by showing them that error is not catastrophic. Urge them to have fun.

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