by Admin | Jan 1, 2011 | ashram, Children, college, creativity, Generation E, high school, meditation, Parenting, young adults
Every year in my philosophy classes (high school seniors) when I teach Plato’s The Republic students grapple with Socrates’ notion of happiness. Before we reach that part of the text we do an exercise. As class begins and without any time to think about...
by Admin | Dec 13, 2010 | Children, college, creativity, E-model, Generation E, high school, meditation, Parenting, young adults
It is almost here, the December solstice, the one that coincides with the end of our calendar year. In the United States the winter solstice is the shortest day of the year, in South Africa it is the longest. As I have noted in previous blogs time is a concept of...
by Admin | Nov 6, 2010 | Children, college, creativity, E-model, Generation E, high school, meditation, Parenting, young adults
What is Time? Such a seemingly simple question but it can lead to intensely elusive searches for a concept that defies easy answers. Sure we have schedules, and clocks, and calendars based by our ancient forebears on their observations of the wheeling stars and...
by Admin | Oct 2, 2010 | Uncategorized
It seems impossible that it is more than a month since I wrote a post. I apologize to my loyal readers. The start up of the school year is an all-consuming process. It reminds me of a large water bird that has been resting on the water all summer and as the year...
by Admin | Aug 22, 2010 | Children, college, creativity, E-model, fiction, Generation E, high school, meditation, mind structure, young adults
The world is changing, yes, I know, it always is, but in many ways at this juncture of space and time, change is speeding up and seems to be happening around us as we watch. “The time is out of joint” said Prince Hamlet and cursed his fate that he “had to set it...