In Memorium

My Mother (1920-2010) My mother died on May 16, 2010 and I am dedicating this post to her. Her funeral was a memorable occasion filled with the bitterness of loss and the sweetness of celebrating her life. Her family was present, two children, five grandchildren, two...


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Here are three taken on a recent vacation in south-west Florida. Standing Plovers Swimming Sea Hare Plovers in Flight Three thousand powerful and evocative words to reflect the natural beauty we are fortunate to encounter...

Season of rebirth

I saw a robin today as I walked across campus, a harbinger of spring to come. In a flower bed in front of my home office window there are a host of white and green snowdrops emerging from under those leaves that were not swept away last fall. My heart leaps at the...

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